Adelaide University Electronic Texts Collection This growing collection of e-texts - currentlyaround 1,500 - includes classic works of Literature, Philosophy, Science, and Medicine. Their own web editions, in HTML.
ANU E-Print Repository From the Australian National University in Canberra, ACT (Australian Capital Territory). Holding over 47,000 items as of May 2009. Material from 1967 on, mostly, is included. User registration (there is no charge) is required for some parts of the site.
Looking for ANU PhD theses? Go to:
Australian e-Humanities Gateway is an initiative of the Australian e-Humanities Network, a group funded by the Australian Research Council.The network includes representatives from the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the University of Sydney and the University of Newcastle. A portal for digital resources in humanities disciplines in Australia.
New Australasian Digital Theses This portal site provides direct Web access to digital versions of postgraduate theses hosted by its member participants, viz. 41 universities in Australia and New Zealand. The theses are searchable by author, title and subject. Note that only a few theses may be available from the pre-digital era . In PDF format.
Cochrane Library Contains helpful, authoritative information on the effectiveness of different health care treatments and interventions. This scientific medical site has limited free access for Australians and New Zealanders through national subscriptions, and may be accessed by anyone surfing the Web from the".au" or ".nz" domains. A good place to start your research.
Curtin University of Technology Institutional Repository (espace@Curtin) provides access to research produced by Curtin University of Technology staff and postgraduate students. More than 3,000 items were available as at May 2009 covering material from 1978 onwards.
New Deakin Research Online Deakin University's institutional digital repository is a new starter off the blocks. Browse it by Author Name, Subject or Community/Collection, or search by title.
New epublications@bond is an open access repository of research and scholarly output of Bond University staff and students, and of historical & archival material about the University. In October 2008 it reached the milestone of 2,000 items. Contains a spectrum of academic papers from all faculties; scholarly journals; theses; and a growing collection of historical photographs.
New Flinders Digital Archive Scholarly work of Flinders staff, organised by department/school. Search also by title, author, subject or date. Held around 3750 items as of June 2009. As with all such material, please do not violate the conditions of use, which are legally binding. In PDF.
New JCU ePrints James Cook University ePrints provides free access to the research output of James Cook University's academic staff and post-graduate students. Around 1,400 items held as of June 2009. Can be searched by subject, year, author and latest publications added. In PDF.
New La Trobe University Research Repository Holds a wide range of materials including books, book chapters, articles, research papers/reports, technical reports, and working, discussion & conference papers. Over 12,000 items available as at June 2009.
Monash University ePrint Repository The Monash University ePrint Repository showcases and archives quality research output of Monash University staff. More than 4,000 items held at May 2009. Holdings include two specialised music collections, Gippsland historical images and Business and Economics working papers.
Project Gutenberg of Australia produces books in electronic form and makes them freely available to the public in accordance with Australian copyright law, usually in plain text. Hosts a number of specialised Australian collections, including a Library of Australiana, Australia's Greatest Books., Australian Explorers & Australian History.NB: Under Australian copyright law, literary, dramatic, & musical work published, performed, communicated, or recorded and offered for sale in an author's lifetime are protected for the life of the author plus fifty years from the end of the year of the author's death. After this time they enter into the public domain. Some e-books available here may still be under copyright in the United States (where local laws have several times extended copyright to levels not accepted within Australian jurisdiction). Such works are therefore not available from the US site of Project Gutenberg.
QUT ePrints An institutional archive of research papers produced at Queensland University of Technology by QUT staff and postgraduate students. Items now deposited span from 1970 to date, and this fast-growing new collection already offers around 15,000 of them (at May 2009). Since 2004 it has been QUT policy that publicly available research and scholarly output of the University should bedeposited here.
New Research Online is an open access digital archive promoting the scholarly output of the University of Wollongong, It houses over 4,350 research papers (as of June 2009). Browse by faculty, author, series or search term.
Sydney eScholarship Repository / SETIS SETIS (The Scholarly Electronic Text and Image Service at the University of Sydney Library) and the Sydney eScholarship Repository holds a variety of collections. These include Australian Literary and Historical Texts (currently over 300 items, which incorporate the Ozlit collection formerly hosted by VicNet). There are also over 780 University of Sydney digital theses; and a range of scholarly or research oriented works produced or sponsored by University of Sydney faculties, departments, schools or research centres. The last group includes articles, technical reports, working papers, conference papers, Audio/Video, datasets and images. NB: While you may access many SETIS listed texts from the Web, some are commercially licensed and available only to users at the University of Sydney.
UMER - University of Melbourne ePrints Repository Goal: to showcase and preserve the research output of University of Melbourne academic staff and students. Held almost 2,700 items at June 2009.The oldest item dates back to 1945. In order to access some areas of the archive, you'll need a user registration (no charge).
UQ eSpace The University of Queensland's digital repository. Set up in 2002, it covers material created since 1983, although most dates from 1998 on. Includes e-books, e-chapters, online journals, various articles, working papers, conference papers and proceedings, posters, miscellaneous research output, and pre-publication (draft) material. All up, more than 80,000 items as at May 2009. OAI-compliant, the repository includes research output of UQ academic staff and postgraduate students, both before and after peer-reviewed publication. Formats used are HTML, ASCII text, PDF & Postscript.
UTasER The University of Tasmania ePrint Repository. Research materials covering as far back as 1470 AD have now been deposited here, and the holdings include books, journal articles, conferencepapers, images and theses. There were more than 2,300 items at May 2009.