Access Services & Parental Education
Child Access CentersWhat is a Transfer?When parents appear before a judge, there is often a disagreement between the parents as to who has seen the child and when. “CRC Safe Haven transfers eliminate the ‘he said/she said’ arguments that poison the courts,” said Family Division Master Sherman West (Ret.) of Prince George’s County, Maryland.
When a parent needs to exchange their child with the other parent they can meet at a Safe Haven Center, which provides a neutral and safe environment for pick-up and drop-off. Transfers of children are documented by trained access staff who share information and support.
“We look upon these transfers as transitional parenting until parents can learn to transfer their children at their own home without our help. At these centers, parents learn to focus on their children, not on their own parental arguments with each other,“ states Al Ellis, Director of Access Services, CRC.
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