Udayan Care (Public Charitable Trust)'s Udayan Shalini Fellowships programme is a financial and mentoring assistance programme for girls from weak socio-economic backgrounds. This fellowship helps the girls to pursue their higher education while also developing their personality. The applicants for this fellowship will be selected on the basis of Needs, Ambition and Talent which consists of a written test followed by an interview and home visit. The Organization is inviting applications between July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010 in Delhi, Kolkata, Kurukshetra and Dehradun. The written test will take place in the month of August 2010. Further details will be available on application form.
1. Should be a female, Indian citizen who is a permanent resident of Delhi/Kurukshetra/Kolkata/Dehradun or Aurangabad.
2. Should have attained minimum 60% in class Xth.
3. Should be admitted in class 11th in a government school only prior to seeking Fellowship.
4. Total income of the family members/ guardian should not exceed Rs. 96,000,/- per annum.
If you happen to come across disadvantaged girls from such a background and who fulfil the above said criteria please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below for application forms. Students can also download forms from www.udayancare.org Mohd. Faheem Khan Asst. Prog. Manager Udayan Shalini Fellowships
Contact persons and numbers:
1. Mr. M. Faheem Khan (Delhi) - 9873050337 2. Mr. Parimal Ch Das (Kolkata) - 9883150166 3. Ms. Preeti Pundir (Dehradun) - 9410539465 4. Mr. Dharampal (Kurukshetra) - 9416206333
Website : www.udayancare.org