The University Of Western Australia India Scholarships

The University Of Western Australia India Scholarships   

The University Of Western Australia India Scholarships

              Eligible Indian applicants, who can commit to paying fifty-percent (50%) of their
 full tuition fees to undertake a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at The University of Western
 Australia, may apply for an India SIRF Scholarship. This scholarship will cover fifty-percent 
(50%) of all tuition fees for up to 4 years, as well as Overseas Student Health Cover, 
and provide a full living allowance scholarship.

  The current international student tuition fee scale can be found at

Admission to ME/MTech/MBA/MCA for the academic year 2010-2011

         Anna University – Coimbatore Admission to ME/MTech/MBA/MCA for the academic year 2010-2011 Instructions to
the candidates Read the information to the candidates before filling the application The applicants can download the challan
for paying the application fee from the University website and shall pay at "State Bank of India" branch
anywhere in India to [...]



Applications are now open for the 2011-12 awards

The Charles Wallace India Trust (CWIT) is an arts, heritage conservation and humanities scholarship fund.
It enables Indians in the early or middle stages of their careers to spend time in the UK, helping to achieve
 their artistic, professional or academic ambitions and make wider international contacts.


3S,Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi-110001


Invitation of application/proposaJ under various schemes for the year 2010-2011

ICHR invites applications for the following programmes/activities for financial assistance:

1 Fellowships (Junior Research Fellowship, Post- Doctoral Fellowship, Senior Academic Fellowship, National Fellowship and Fellowship tor Foreign Nationals).

Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-2010

Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-2010

Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-2010

Are you ready to be India's Energy Efficiency Star!

Inviting participation in School, State and National Level Painting Competition on Energy Conservation-2010

The Ministry of Power, Government of India invites children to paint a world of their imagination and discover the magic of a clean, green and energy efficient future. A future which they will inherit In this process, the children will not only learn a few good things but will also teach us a few things!

Themes for School Level Painting Competition Themes

* More stars, more savings

* Todaay's energy wastage is tomorrow's energy shortage

* Energy saved is future saved


* School Principals to organize painting competition of 2 hours duration for 4th, 5th and 6th Standard students on any day upto 5th Oct., 2010. Children can use any size of paper, but preferably A4 size and select any one of the above mentioned themes for painting.
* School Principals will select 2 best oaintings and send them along with the information on number of students participated at School Level Competition to the Nodal Officer for the State/ UT whose address is given below so as to reach him by 12th Oct., 2010 positively
* The back of the two selected paintingsshouid carry the following information:
* Name of the Student • Father's/Mother's Name • Tel/ Mobile No. of Parents • Standard ¦ Roll No. • E-mail ID of Student (if any) • School Name & Postal Address -School Located in Urban or Rural Area • School Tel. / Mobile No. • State/UT -Sign of School Principal

* All participants will be issued certificate of participation

State Nodal Officer's address for Tamil Nadu Shri A Surendiran, Dy. General Manager,
Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd,
Chennai Inspection & Liaison Office, C-398A, Ground Floor,
46th Street, 9th Avenue, Ashok Nagar,
Chennai - 600 083 (Tamil Nadu)
Tel: 044-24891067 24896206 (M) 09444011021
Fax: 044-24891067,

For address of Nodal Officers for other States / UT's and for the names of the students selected for participation in the State Leve! Competition please log on to and


* Upto a maximum of 50 best paintings will be selected by a Committee of Experts / Jury and selected* students will be callea at a designated place in State / UT for a two hours on-the-spot Painting Competition to be held on 14th November, 2010.

* Each participating student will be paid Rs. 1000/-in cash and a partic pation certificate. Sleeper class rail-fare / state roadways bus fare for participating student and two guardians will also be reimbursed on the day of competition.

* Prizes will be given away on the same day.


* 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners of the each State/ UT will be invited to Delhi to participate in "National Level Co mpetition" to be held on 12th December, 2010,

* Boaiding & Lodging, to & fro sleeper rail-fare/ state roadways bus fare by the shortest route for each participant and two guardians will be reimbursed. In add lion, each participating student will be paid a sum of Rs, 1000/- as incidentals and given a participation certificate.

* National Level winners will be awarded cash prizes by the Chief Guest on the "National Energy Conservation Day fund on" to be held in Delhi on 14th December, 2010.


* The 1st. 2nd & 3rd prize winners of State/UT Level Painting Competition of last two years are not eligible to participate in !his year competition.

* The consolation prize winners of State/UT Level Painting Competition of lest two years are eligible to participate but they would only be considered for prizes, if they win 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize at the State /UT Level.

* Names of schools who have recorded 100% participation in the 4th. 5th and 6th standard (as applicable) will be included in trie Painting Competition booklet prepared by BEE.

* Three awards would also be presented in the (ollowing categories for the S;;ite/UTs Education Department who have ensured highest School & Student participation and percentage nprovement over the previous year.

- Best State Education Department (other than North-Eastern Stales)
- Best North-East State Education Department
- Best Union Territory Education Department

The decision of the Jury/Expert Committee at all levels of the painting competition will be final,

Two paintings selected at School Level and partings at State/UT Level ana National Level would be the sole property of BEE, which will have the right to use itfor any purposeit considers appropriate,

Please visit BEE website for further details

Director General
(Ministry of Power, Govarnment of India)
4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi -110 066
Tel.: 011-26179699 (5-Lines). Fax No. 011-26178328/52

Director (Energy Conservation} MINISTRY OF POWER Government of India
Room No. 223, Shram Shakti Bhawan, RafiMarg, New Delhi-110 001 Tel.: 011-23716020

Udayan Shalini Fellowships Programme

Udayan Shalini Fellowships Programme 

Udayan Care (Public Charitable Trust)'s Udayan Shalini Fellowships programme is a financial and mentoring assistance programme for girls from weak socio-economic backgrounds. This fellowship helps the girls to pursue their higher education while also developing their personality. The applicants for this fellowship will be selected on the basis of Needs, Ambition and Talent which consists of a written test followed by an interview and home visit. 

The Organization is inviting applications between July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2010 in Delhi, Kolkata, Kurukshetra and Dehradun. The written test will take place in the month of August 2010. Further details will be available on application form. 


1. Should be a female, Indian citizen who is a permanent resident of Delhi/Kurukshetra/Kolkata/Dehradun or Aurangabad. 

2. Should have attained minimum 60% in class Xth. 

3. Should be admitted in class 11th in a government school only prior to seeking Fellowship. 

4. Total income of the family members/ guardian should not exceed Rs. 96,000,/- per annum. 

If you happen to come across disadvantaged girls from such a background and who fulfil the above said criteria please ask the students to contact the people mentioned below for application forms. Students can also download forms from 

Mohd. Faheem Khan 
Asst. Prog. Manager 
Udayan Shalini Fellowships 

Contact persons and numbers: 

1. Mr. M. Faheem Khan (Delhi) - 9873050337 
2. Mr. Parimal Ch Das (Kolkata) - 9883150166 
3. Ms. Preeti Pundir (Dehradun) - 9410539465 
4. Mr. Dharampal (Kurukshetra) - 9416206333 

Website : 



Mahindra All India Talent Scholarships for Diploma Courses in Polytechnics 2010 

K.C. Mahindra Education Trust, Mumbai, invites applications for Mahindra All India Talent Scholarships from students who have passed Std. X or 5td. Xil and have secured admissions this year in Government or recognised polytechnics for Diploma courses. Preference will be given to girl students, children from tower income group families, disabled children and children of armed forces personnel. 

Scholarships of Rs. 5,000/- per year for a maximum period of 3 academic years will be awarded to selected students, to enable them to pursue diploma courses, for which they have secured admissions, 

Students can apply at the address given below for an Application Form. Along with the application, students should send a self-addressed envelope. This should reach us before July 16th, 2010. 

Application Form will then be sent to eligible students. The Application Form, duly filled in by the applicants, along with the necessary enclosures must reach the centre given below before July 30th, 2010. The interview date and venue will be intimated to the selected applicants well in advance.The cost of travel, to a certain extent will be paid to them. 

Bangalore : Mr.V.Suresh
Senior Regional Manager SSBU / CI&S Mahindra Si Mahindra Limited Raheja Chambers, 1 st Floor 12 Museum Road,Bangalore 560 001 

Hyderabad : Mr.Joydeep Das, Senior Regional Sales Manager (Auto Sector), Mahindra & Mahindra Limited,Mahindra House.T S. Reddy Complex, 1 -7-1, Park Lane, S. D. Road Secunderabad 500 003. 

Chennai : Mr.R.Venkatraman, Regional Manager - SSBU, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited, Mahindra Towers, Pattulos Road, Off. Mount Road Chennai 600 002. 

Kochi : Mr. N.Benny John, Deputy Manager(Commercial) Mahindra & Mahindra Limited 34/1178 Balakrishna Menon Road EdapallyP.O.Kochi682 024. 

INSPIRE Scholarship for 2008, 2009 and 2010, - SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (SHE)

INSPIRE Scholarship for 2008, 2009 and 2010, - SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (SHE)

INSPIRE Scholarship for 2008, 2009 and 2010, - SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (SHE) 

Ministry of Science and Technology - Department of Science and Technology 

Advertisement Relese Date : 25June, 2010 

INSPIRE Scholarship for 2008, 2009 and 2010 
Submission of Application for the "SCHOLARSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION (SHE)" - a component of the `Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)' being implemented by the Department of Science Technology (DST), New Delhi. 

Genesis of INSPIRE: Global competitiveness in the changing global knowledge economy calls for expansion and right-sizing of the Research and Development base of the country. Need for special interventions for attracting youth to study of natural sciences and careers with research is recognized. Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) is a Programme launched by the Government of India to strengthen the National Science and Technology base. It is being implemented by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). 

About INSPIRE: Programme includes three components namely Scheme for Early Attraction of Talents for Science (SEATS), Scholarships for Higher Education (SHE) and Assured Opportunity for Research Careers (AORC). The Scheme SHE is focused on attraction of talent to study of natural/ basic sciences at the bachelor and master's level education. SHE is currently limited to support for educational programmes at B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc. and integrated master's level course in sciences leading to MSc in any branch of natural and basic sciences namely mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, earth sciences and life sciences. 

Call for Applications: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for `Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)' component of INSPIRE. Total of 10,000 scholarships are available annually under SHE starting April 2008. The scholarships are limited only to the candidates studying courses in natural/basic sciences (B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons), integrated M.Sc.) in any one of the recognized institutions in India. Eligibility criterion for the scholarships are a) performance in board examinations within the cutoff threshold (of top 1%) for each state or central board examination at the class X and class XII level and/or b) performance in any of the specified competitive examinations within stipulated cut off ranks. The eligible applicant must be already enrolled into degree level education in natural/basic sciences in any of the recognized institutions in India. 

Criteria for Eligibility for SHE: 

a) Based on Performance in Board Examinations: The candidates should have obtained aggregate marks in the top 1% in the board examination at both class X and XII levels. For example, the candidates applying for INSPIRE Scholarship 2008 should have secured marks within the top 1% in class X in the year 2006 and class XII in 2008 in the respective board examinations and should have joined a degree course leading to B.Sc. or B.Sc. (Hons) or integrated M.Sc. in natural/basic sciences in any institution in India. Cut-off marks for various board examinations conducted in the years 2006 and 2007 for class X and corresponding year of 2008 and 2009 for class XII are listed in Table 1. The cut-off marks of various Board Examinations conducted in the years 2008 for Class X and 2010 for Class XII are being compiled and shall be up-loaded in Website in due course. Candidate securing top 1% marks only in class XII board examination can also submit the application form. 

b) Based on Performance in Competitive Examinations (specified in Table 2).: Performance within the top 10,000 ranks in Joint Entrance Examination of IIT, AIEEE (Engineering) and CBSE-medical and joining degree level courses in natural/basic sciences in any recognized Indian institution. The candidate may apply with a valid document of these examinations. The scheme in its current format does not include courses in engineering, medicine, technology and other professional courses. 

c) Based on Performance in Competitive Examinations (specified in Table 3): Clearance of competitive examinations conducted by institutions listed in Table 3 and all candidates securing admissions and joining integrated M.Sc/ MS courses in natural/basic sciences conduced by Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER), National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), in Indian Institutes of Technology, Department of Atomic Energy – Centre for Basic Science (DAE-CBS) and University from the academic years 2008-09, 2009-10 ad 2010-11 are eligible. Institutional coverage is being done for this category. Students in this category need not to apply. 

Value and Type of Support: Eligible candidates will receive annually scholarship @ total value Rs.80,000 per candidate. The cash value payable to the SHE scholarship holder is Rs.60,000 per annum. All the SHE scholars are undertake summer time attachment to an active researcher in recognized research centers in the country. A summer time attachment fee of Rs.20,000 will be paid to the mentoring institution for undertaking summer time project. 

Duration of the Support: Selected candidates will be supported for a maximum period of five years starting 1st year course in B.Sc., B.Sc. (Hons) and integrated course leading to M.S. or M.Sc. or the completion of the course, which ever is earlier. Continuation of the scholarship for once selected candidates is based on satisfactory performance of the examinations conducted and certified by the institution imparting education. 

Format for Application: All interested and eligible candidates (as per Table 1 for Board examination based eligibility or as per Table 2 or Table 3 for competitive examination based eligibility) must apply in the prescribed format written preferable in English & Hindi only along with attested copy of i) Mark sheets of Class X and Class XII and ii) Endorsement Certificate from Principal of the College/ Director or Registrar of the Institute or University where the applicant is presently enrolled. Candidate may please download this Advertisement and Application Format which is available at the website: www. and submit the duly filled-in application with all necessary documents. Applications should be sent by Ordinary Post only within one month from the date of this advertisement in Newspaper and shall be addressed to the Director, National Institute of Science, Technology & Development Studies (NISTADS), Dr K S Krishnan Marg , New Delhi - 110012. The envelope should mention on top "Application for INSPIRE Scholarship – 2008, 2009 and 2010" program. For online submission of application, kindly also visit the Website: The online applicants should also submit a hardcopy of the applications with all attested documents. 

For more information : 

National Council of Educational Research and Training

National Council of Educational Research and Training 
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 016
Website :


National Talent Search Scheme is a flagship activity of the NCERT started in the year 1963. The purpose of the scheme was to identify talented students and nurture their talent. Talent refers to the potentiality that manifests itself in a high level of performance in one or more specialized areas. The scheme, therefore, covers areas like Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law. It honours and helps talented students by providing financial assistance in the form of a monthly scholarship. For the courses in Basic Sciences, Social Sciences and Commerce, this assistance is provided up to Ph.D. level. For professional courses like Engineering, Medicine, Management and Law this assistance is given only up to Post Graduation. The NCERT conducts the National Talent Search Examination for students studying in Class VIII only. 

1. Scholarships: On the basis of the examination conducted, 1000 scholarships will be awarded for each group of students appearing for Class VIII examinations. The amount of scholarship will be Rs.500/- per month as per NTS rules. 

2. Reservation: 15% scholarships will be reserved for students belonging to the SC category, 7.5% scholarships for students belonging to the ST category and 3% for Physically Challenged Group of Students. 

3. Selection: There will be two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For Stage-I, selection will be done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students who qualify Stage I will be eligible to appear for Stage II examination conducted by NCERT. 

4. The States/UTs will also conduct the selection test for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme along with the Stage-I written examination for NTS. 

5. Important Dates: Dates for Submission of Application Form and conduct of examination are given below: 

Stage : Stage I ( state ) 

Area Last Date for submission of Application form : 31 August , 2010 

Examination in Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland and Andaman and Nicobar Islands : 20th November, 2010 (Saturday) 

Examination in All other States and Union Territories : 21st November, 2010 (Sunday) 

Staet II ( National ) 

Area : Examination in All states and Union Territories : 8th May, 2011 (Sunday) 

6. Eligibility: Students of Class VIII studying in recognized schools are eligible to appear for the respective Class VIII Stage I examination conducted by the States/UTs in which the schools are located. There will be no domicile restriction. 

7. Examination: The pattern of written examination for Class VIII will be as follows: 

• Stage I examination at the State/UT level will comprise two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering social sciences, sciences and mathematics. 

• Stage II examination at the National level will comprise (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT), (b) Scholastic Ability Test (SAT) covering social sciences, sciences and mathematics, (c) Interview. Only those candidates who qualify the written examination at the National Level will be invited for interview. 

8. State Quotas: Each State/Union Territory has been allotted a quota to recommend a specific number of candidates for the Stage II examination, the details of which will be made available on NCERT website. However, there will be no State/Union Territory Quota for the final award of scholarship after the Stage II examination. Reservation for SC, ST and physically challenged will be as notified in para 2 above. 

9. Application Form: You may contact the State/UT Liaison officer for procuring application form. However, application form can be downloaded from NCERT website also. 

10. The completed application form should be signed by Principal of the school. The candidate/Principal of the school must confirm the last date for submission of Application Form and where to submit it from the State/ UT liaison officer whose addresses are given in the end/NCERT website. Different states may have different last dates for submission of application forms. All queries relating to application forms should be made from State Liaison Officers (LOs). No application should be sent to NCERT. 

11. Fees: States and Union Territories may notify the fee required which will be paid for the Stage-I examination. Therefore, before submitting the application form you may find out the fees charged for 2010 Stage-I Examination and also the mode of payment from the respective State Liaison Officers (LOs). However, NCERT does not charge any fee for Stage-II examination. 

12. Announcement of Results: Results of the Stage-I examination will be announced by the respective State Governments/ Union Territories. Results of Stage-II examination will be announced by NCERT. 

13. Indian Students Studying Abroad can appear directly for Stage II NTS Examination under conditions prescribed in the NTS brochure for class VIII which is available on the NCERT website. Candidates may fill up relevant items of the Application Form available on the NCERT website and send to the undersigned along with a photocopy of the mark sheet of previous examination latest by March 31, 2011. 

Department of Educational Measurement & Evaluation
National Council of Educational Research & Training
Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 

For NTS National Level Examination 
Inquiry: Phone No. : 011-26560464, 
For State Level NTS Examination Enquiry
Contact the Liaison Officer of your State 

For NTS Scholarship Inquiry: Phone No. :011-26562704(Timings 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM only)

Disclaimer: NCERT has not authorized or approved tests conducted by any other agencies for issue of certificates or award of scholarships and bears no responsibility whatsoever for them. 

List of NTS Liaison Officers (To be attached separately click here) 

For more informations please visit : 

Best Wishes From

All India Photography Contest For Children 2010

All India Photography Contest For Children 2010

Central Institute of Educational Technology National Council of Educational Research and Training

No Entry Fee

Eligibility: 12-18 years (formal, non-formal, Pvt. & Govt. Schools from all States & UT's)

Maximum TWO entries per Contestant

Last date of submission of entries is 30th Sept' 2010

Fair & Lovely Scholarships 2010

Apply Online

The Fair and Lovely scholarship has empowered over 750 women across India to fulfill their dreams. If you have a dream that you have been living for then this scholarship is for you too.

To apply online, download the scholarship form. Fill the form and attach the list of documents given below:

* 1 photocopy of all the mark sheets and certificates attested by a Gazette officer or by the head of an educational institution.

* 2 passport size photographs.

* 1 attested photocopy of family income proof.

* attested photocopy of admission proof.

* Statement of purpose – which is an essay of not more than 250-300 words about yourself, your ambitions and how will you achieve them.